650 Poydras Street, Suite 2300, New Orleans, LA 70130

Our lawyers at Favret Carriere are determined to educate our clients on any issues that may concern them. We specialize in personal injury, property damage insurance claims, construction law, and business representation. Our team is dedicated to doing the work and research to stay up to date on any pressing and breaking legal matters, ensuring we provide expert, comprehensive legal guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Month: October 2018

The Importance of Notifying Insurance When You’ve Been Sued

It’s the one document no one wants to receive: a notification that you’ve been sued. Although it may be the most worrying, tense and generally shocking feeling one can have, it is important to know what first steps to take and the best way to go about them. Foremost, you’ll want to notify your lawyer.… Continue reading The Importance of Notifying Insurance When You’ve Been Sued

The Secrets to Getting Paid: 7 Ways to Ensure Payment from Clients

One of the largest concerns for business owners is collecting payment from clients. Whether it’s customers running long-overdue balances or a client that consistently disputes what he owes, not getting paid can be very frustrating because it disrupts your business’s cash flow. In the modern economy, clients are much more likely to pay (and pay… Continue reading The Secrets to Getting Paid: 7 Ways to Ensure Payment from Clients

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