650 Poydras Street, Suite 2300, New Orleans, LA 70130

Our lawyers at Favret Carriere Cronvich are determined to educate our clients on any issues that may concern them. We are dedicated to doing the work and research to stay up to date on any pressing and breaking legal matters.

Should I call the police after a car accident?

Call accidents are never expected nor they ever convenient. After an accident there are multiple thoughts and questions that you will likely be faced with. It’s possible that the at fault driver will suggest to share insurance information and handle it without calling the police. In New Orleans and other parishes in Louisiana after a car accident, the police can take a substantial amount of time to arrive to the scene. Or when you call the police, they may suggest you exchange information in lieu of the police coming.

Police Reports are Recommended

Believe it or not, when a clearly at fault driver may verbally admit his guilt at the scene of the accident, if the police are not called to report the events, an at fault driver may tell his insurance company a different story wherein he/she was not at fault. This is the number one reason to always have the police report on the accident.

What should I do if the Police do not Come to the Accident Scene?

There are times where the police cannot come to the scene of an accident in a timely fashion. It will be critical for you to gather the evidence to prove the other driver’s fault. For example, it is possible that the at fault driver send a text message or drive to hand written note stating he or she excepts liability for the accidents, and the reasons why. In addition, one should always take extensive photographs of the scene, including the damage to the property.

Should you have any questions or you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation.

Call 504-383-8978 for a FREE 15 minute consultation, or fill out form